Move Beyond Your Fear
Sometimes the best things in life take more effort than we originally anticipate. The time, effort, and creativity spent in pursuit of a dream will never be spent in vain. No one wants to believe that even the best-laid plans can fall short, but it does happen. Many people will tell you that everything happens for a reason. While this may seem cliché and the last thing you want to hear, take comfort in the advice. The most important thing to remember at this time is that you owe it to yourself to continuously work towards your dreams, no matter what they may be at this time. This is simply one more obstacle that stands in the way of your dream. Everything need to overcome this obstacle lies within. All that is needed is a creative way to work through this roadblock and confidence in your ability. I believe in you. It is now time to believe in yourself.
- Created on 5/1/2004
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